Tuesday 12 July 2016

Something That is questionable has an Answer – You Need to Find the Right Place to Get the Right Answer

Have you ever had a question for which you needed answer? You would ask your friends, parents, seniors, colleagues, teachers, and who not! Well, some of us wouldn’t do that out of inhibition to ask questions, and the rest of who are fortunate not to be bogged down by this inhibition of asking, may not get the answers. 

How many of us have not asked a question because we were afraid of coming across as silly or stupid? How many of us were snubbed for the kind of questions we asked? How often have we wondered who to turn to in search of some answers? We all have been there, done that and we are not proud of it. The societal setup we had and unfortunately we still have doesn’t take questions kindly. Asking question was never really encouraged.

Well, no more. At Guesskaro.com, we defy these norms. We are madly, totally, completely, and truly in love with questions! The whole Guesskaro team marvels at unbridled joy of asking. On this platform, you can go crazy and let go of all your curbs. Feel free to invite your friends, family, colleagues, seniors, teachers and anyone else with whom you would want to share your questions. You never know who has the answer. 

If you want to ask a question to someone specific, go ahead. If Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi happens to be on Guesskaro, you could ask a question directly from him! Yes, asking is power beyond imagination and let us not hold ourselves back anymore.

There is another aspect to asking that we have been trained to ignore for ages. Asking a question, and answering it can be a super fun process, it doesn’t have to be a boring and tedious activity. This is where the team Guesskaro has worked hard to come up with features like ‘Invite’, and ‘Challenge'. Spicing up the whole experience of curiosity, we realised, we didn’t do much…we didn’t have to!

At Guesskaro, we converted some of the most instinctive human responses into features. So, you would ‘Challenge’ someone whose answer of the same question is different than yours and whoever is correct wins some points! You ‘Invite’ people to participate in a question. You ‘Tag’ someone in your question or comment if you want him to respond to you. He will get notified. These are some of the basic functionalities at the core of Guesskaro.com and we firmly believe that we haven’t done anything special. We simply put together all the pieces of asking questions at one place. 

After all, simple things put together in an order make something special! At Guesskaro, let us make something special, let us ask, answer, challenge, invite, and win some, lose some! Fun is just a click away.

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